Japan's toilet ambassadors help Singapore scrub up
24 June 2006
I've often stepped into a public toilet just to back out again, holding my nose and the urge. I think this is a good initiative to fix a glaring problem that even us residents have a share in, not just tourists. Of course, it adds to the whole "clean and green" image that Singapore has strived to achieve.
I wonder why, in the ages of dirty public toilets that have passed, did we not have a more solid solution to this problem. Most people have experienced the horror of disgusting public toilets before we even step beyond our shores. Why didn't we act like this earlier? It seems like pretty common sense to improve cleaning services. Although in retrospect, not everyone wants to be a toilet cleaner.
But this will change the way that we look at this job. Even if people aren't the tidiest of creatures, we have someone to clean up after us, those people who help to give our country a good image. They are no longer the people who couldn't find a better job. They are the ones doing us a service so that we enjoy clean toilets. That is not to say that we should not care about how we use public toilets. We still should, if we don't already, try and keep our toilets as clean as possible.
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