Observers impressed with Singapore's preparedness against flu pandemic July 2006
It's good to see one's country being so prepared for such a potential health threat such as a flu pandemic. It can give Singaporeans assurance and a sense of security that should anything out of the ordinary happen, we would be prepared to deal with it. Plus, nothing would catch us completely off guard or result in unnecessary panic that could affect the people's morale, and perhaps faith in the government. Certain things such as these do wonders for the mindset of the people, and this is an important factor in any society. One example of insecurity leading to social upheaval is when, afraid of a black uprising, only the whites were allowed to handle guns, and this resulted in a lot of carnage and suffering. We do not want a society where only, say, the intellectuals were allowed to handle drugs, resulting in pandemics and drug abuse of varying levels.
The very nature of our government is for it to be extremely conscientious when it comes to policy making and implementation.
As you have pointed out, Singapore's healthcare services are benefiting from such good governance. Undoubtedly, perhaps due to the SARS scare that happened, Singapore is now extremely well prepared to handle any health crisis.
As the SARS scare was similar in nature, hospital staff now have the expertise to treat patients that may be coming in with a severe case of flu. In that sense, learning from our mistakes is a good thing, as it helps us make the transition between helplessness and preparedness.
Overall, Singapore may be a little red dot on the map, but with the leaders that we have in this great country, we can make our mark as a country is prepared for anything. We can truly stand on the shoulders of giants!
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